Oromyofunctional Therapy
Oro-Myofunctional Therapist
A child or adult with sleep disordered breathing means their oral facial muscle have incorrect habits. In combination with appliance therapy, active training of these muscles to form good habits become the driving force of natural growth for your child and a regaining of normalized function for you.
MyoRevive is a partnership in between Revive and Vivos MyoCorrect, our exercise-based program that consists of a full, comprehensive evaluation and a series of 20- to 30- minute, 1-on-1 myofunctional therapy sessions within an eight- to 12-month period with our Revive Sleep Studio patients. Our orofacial myofunctional therapists (OMT) has been fully trained in our Revive Guides system and protocols, in addition to a comprehensive training program in myofunctional therapy, Buteyko breathing, etc. With this background and deep understanding of the treatment objectives that our Revive Doctor wish to achieve with our patients, our Revive OMTs help complement and support our Revive patients’ treatment program.
MyoRevive is also essential for patients who are in need of Laser Tongue Tie Release. If you are seeking help for laser tongue tie release, it should always start with Oromyofunctional Therapy as an inseparable part of the treatment protocol. If it is not, you can ask our Revive Team for help in getting set up with our Oromyofunctional Therapists. As a rule of thumb, a release for the tongue should never be done without properly guided OMT exercises. Aftercare exercises will be guided by the OMT also.
Weak Lip Seal (Mouth Breather)
Tired Look
Facial Grimace
Thumb Sucker
Open Bite
Tongue Thrust
Incorrect Swallow
Incorrect Posture
Therapy can range from 8months - 1year before & during any phase of Revive Orthodontic Treatments.