Tongue Tie Care


Tongue Function

Would you believe it if you were told an improperly functioning tongue due to a tie can cause many of the prevalent and known health issues in this day and age? A tongue tie can restrict the tongue from functioning normally which means the baby will develop a ‘dys’functional tongue habit. This will affect the health of baby, but also esthetics as well.

Resulting issues can be crowded teeth, open bite, mouth breathing, smaller jaw development than the baby’s potential, sleep breathing disorders, autoimmune diseases, ADHD, heart problems, diabetes…this list goes on.


Baby’s Needs

Our babies need to feed, sleep, grow and thrive. But many of our babies these days have difficulty nursing and need to be fed formula from a bottle. Growth and development occurs to its fullest potential when we allow our baby’s to utilize their natural habits such as breast feeding. Early detection of such an issue is crucial for timely release for optimal breast feeding experience for both mom and baby.


Children, Teens, and Adults’ Needs

Back and neck pain, migraines, snoring, bed wetting, focus issues like ADD or ADHD, so many issues people suffer which often start during their childhood, some aware, some not aware. The tongue is tied and has bundles of fascia which is connected to the rest of the body. If this is restricted, the rest of the body will eventually feel it. This is the reason after release, relief occurs.

For anyone 4yo+, it is important to teach the tongue how to function properly and normally when releasing the tie since the time of natural development of normal function has already passed.




Laser Tongue Tie Release is the most optimal for reduced postop discomfort and good healing. We use a high tech CO2 laser for infants, children, and adults. Tongue Tie release should never be done alone - it should always be done together with MyoRevive, exercises for the tongue and beyond, which trains the tongue and strengthens it to prepare for the release. Once release, continued development of good muscle memory and strength is needed.

For infants, Revive Sleep Studio has special no-injection type numbing methods.


Stretching and healing can be even more important than the treatment itself for success. Working closely with IBCLC (for infants and toddlers) and Oromyofunctional Therapists (4yo+) is crucial for this success of the treatment. It means much of the long-term outcome depends on this step done at home. Making it to the check-up visits after surgery as instructed by Revive Surgeon is also important.


Revive Sleep Studio highly recommends reading and researching the problems and treatments you are considering.