Adult Correction

Discovering Your Original Genetic Potential


Discovery & Dialogue | A pre-requisite to all airway-centered therapies

Revive Sleep Quality Test

With 98.9% accuracy when compared to Polysomnogram (PSG) Lab Test results, Revive Sleep Quality Test is the most up to date in home sleep testing. It gives us metrics beyond traditional home sleep test done with medical, and assesses overall Sleep Quality (SQI). This test is not a typical test which checks for sleep apnea only. It gives the Airway Dentist who treats a wider array of sleep breathing issues related to the jaw and airway dysfunction needed information to identify issues that Sleep Medicine (typical CPAP treatment) may not have solutions for.

3-D Imaging

CBCT is a 3-dimensional image taken to capture and analyze the airway and jaw anatomy, Like dental x-rays that are needed to diagnose cavities and gum disease, CBCT is the standard imaging needed for airway-centered pneumopedic orthodontic therapy. Revive has partnered with Reveal Diagnostics and BEAM Readers for medical grade imaging and analysis.

The Dialogue:

Having a dialogue with our doctor regarding the findings of the above data collection is a crucial part in getting to know your body and your issues. This virtual visit, Review of Findings, is highly educational and eye-opening.

Complimentary care coordination with your medical team is available as needed.


Treatment Phase

Bio-MAGO TMJ Splint

Bio-MAGO TMJ Splint

Step 1: Heal with Bio-MAGO Airway Splint

Bio-MAGO TMJ Splint Therapy takes away pain and stiffness around the joints, neck, shoulders, getting you ready for the next phase of therapy. Begin to experience better breathing and better quality sleep.

This device is a Bio-esthetic MAGO original meant for the TMJ which in the hands of our Revive Airway Dentist becomes an airway-friendly TMJ Splint. Our patients express better nasal breathing and reduced snoring, some complete resolution has been reported while device is worn through the night.



Step 2: Restoring Function to the Tongue with Exercise and Release

MyoRevive Oromyofunctional Training will train the tongue, cheek, breathing muscles to help restore proper function to the muscles. The muscular function must compliment the structure. Otherwise our bodies will have ‘dysfunction’.

Age range is from 4yo+. Infants please speak with our Revive Airway Dentist for options.



Tongue and Lip ties often restrict the development of the dental arches, and therefore the airway chambers of our head and neck. High tech laser release which free the restriction in the tongue to achieve fuller range of motion.

For infant laser tongue or lip tie release, Revive Sleep Studio has special no-injection technique for numbing for the procedure.



DNA Biomimetic Oral Appliance

Step 3: Expand, Breath, Balance

DNA and mRNA are Removable Biomimetic Appliances that are engineered to stimulate your stem cells. This method is epigenetic orthodontics, which promotes growth and true expansion unlike conventional orthodontic expansion which is fixed and causes bone resorption and an expansion that can relapse easily.

Epigenetic results has been phenomenal for our patients, younger and beautiful esthetic which naturally comes along with improved health. Non-surgical method of remodeling the upper airway has truly been life-changing for our patients.



Step 4: Align, Fine-tune with Clear Airway Aligners

Once the foundation has been established and sleep quality shows improved on sleep quality test, the teeth are aligned with Clear Airway Aligners combine with an external vibration to continue to signal the stem cells and increase the bone density. These two methods combined strengthen the bone and gums, along with promoting efficient teeth movements to align and balance. Revive Sleep Studio uses CANDID aligners for adult patients, and for children and teens, Invisalign. (Airway Aligners are not the same as regular candid or Invisalign treatment. Airway aligner therapy can only be provided by a trained Airway Dentist).


Clear Orthodontic Aligner and High Frequency Vibration

Clear Orthodontic Aligner and High Frequency Vibration