Financial Policy

Payment is due in full and is our patients responsibility. We have payment arrangements available upon request and need. 

I understand it is my responsibility to know the ins and outs of their employer’s insurance benefits. I hereby authorize payment directly to the dental office of the group insurance benefits otherwise payable to me. In the case insurance pays me directly, I understand I must reimburse for the remainder of the fee for service to the dental office after patient portion. I hereby authorize release of any information, including the diagnosis and records of treatment or examination rendered, to my insurance company. 

As a courtesy to you we do accept assignment of benefit payments from most insurance companies. In this case, yours and insurance portions are an ESTIMATE based on limited information obtained from your insurance company. The amount of your insurance company's payment is determined by the level of coverage purchased for you by your employer. Please remember once again that your dental insurance is your responsibility and in the case of non-payment or less payment than expected, the patient must make the remaining payment in a timely manner.

As a courtesy, we will help you with claims submissions; however, we cannot guarantee what will be paid by your insurance company. We allow 30 days for your insurance company to make payment. After 30 days all inquiries and follow up become your responsibility. No finance charges will be applied if all balances are paid in full within 90 days of service. All fees incurred through collection process including collection agencies of past due balances is the patient’s responsibility. 


Please view the COVID-safety page and review the steps required to undergo safe treatment and consent to all protective measures.

The new ADA Code is in the Preventive section D1999.1 COVID-19 PPE Fee of $25 per visit applies and is due in full at each visit. Insurance may not cover this procedure but it is vital to my health. 

Cancellation policy

Cancellation Policy: Our clinic strictly prohibits double and triple booking our providers. Each of our own patients receive increased time and attention. This protects our patients by allowing our providers to focus and perform quality work. For this reason, we respectfully require a three full business day notice for any changes to your scheduled visit. Proper notification will avoid the $100 per hour fee. Thank you for helping us take better care of you and your family! 

Please read the cancellation policy and understand that you must give a 3-business day notice for any rescheduling or cancellations of reserved appointments. The $100 fee per hour will apply for cancellation outside of this window.