Yes, it is our diet. The change in diet from natural to unnatural caused significant degeneration in our bodies. The deficiency of nutrition in these unnatural food sources along with the lack of motor development due to ease of obtaining the food through a baby bottle or already mashed processed soft foods had a highly negative synergistic effect and caused not only crooked teeth, but degeneration of our teeth enamel.
Dr Weston Price wanted to find the reason his grandchildren suffered so much from dental decay and used his own funds to travel the world to in search for answers. He thought it made no sense to look to a diseased society for answers, and went on a quest to search for societies who were disease-free. He went to the Swiss Alps, riddled with tuberculosis in the nation, but found groups who were untouched and undisturbed by this pestilence, only to find that they were free of dental diseases! Their jaw form was wide, teeth were straight, no mouth breathing issues found, and rarely could he find a cavity. The kids played in ice cold weather with bear feet and without a beanie on their head and did not fall sick. Their lifestyle was so close to nature that their agriculture produced high quality produce and grain which despite its simplicity was plenty to provide their bodies both soluble and insoluble nutrients (vitamins minerals). He brought samples of their foods back to his lab and analyzed its nutritional value and found them far superior to those commonly consumed in the United States.
In each culture he visited, some where half of the race divided into accepting the modern lifestyle with refined foods, while the other half remained in natural lifestyle, he saw a stark difference in the children’s oral dental health form function. Consistent with Dr Corruccini’s findings, only one generation is all it took. The children who grew up eating these bad foods and newer convenient lifestyle were the ones who grew into the narrow jaw, pinched nose, lips open breathing through the mouth, and with many cavities.
symptoms of the underdeveloped jaw and airway
For a long time Dentistry tried to solve this problem, not by addressing the actual cause of the problem, but by trying to reverse cavities by filling them, crooked teeth by extracting teeth to make room to straighten them. But these treatments do not take away the core issue of the narrow jaw and airway which continues to cause recurring disease in people. Often, the treatment itself caused harm to the body. For example, the traditional orthodontic method of extracting and retracting teeth to straighten, use of head-gear which restricts the growth and development of the upper and lower jaw even more, all caused traumatic issues if not immediately, over time. We have realized the manifestations of this is tooth decay, gum disease, TMJD, Sleep Apnea, and the many systemic diseases which stem from it. This means all of these issues “symptoms” of the main issue, the underdeveloped jaw and airway. See the list of Adult Symptoms of this problem.
Then what is the solution? For too long we believed that once fully grown, changes cannot be made except with surgery. For too long we gave up saying it is genetic and we are helpless to heal. But this is not true anymore. When we listen to our bodies, we will realize the wisest most intelligent teacher and engineer is within our body’s system.
First, diet and lifestyle choice was the original problem, therefore, diet and lifestyle reform will make a large impact on the disease state of an individual. Yet this controls the symptoms, but the cause, which is the skeletal underdevelopment and lack of proper motor function, will trigger constant injury and inflammation. So how to correct the already narrow jaw, narrow airway, poor muscle motor function which is now stubborn in a grown person?
Revive Sleep Studio offers a solution developed by listening to the body and observing the body’s system. Our own body’s stem cells help us grow when young, but when an adult, it helps us heal. When signaled just right, these adult stem cells are awakened, and bone generation occurs - slowly but surely. This is the Revive Biomimetic Orthodontics. We can expand and reshape the jaw naturally without the pain of surgery, and Pneumopedics (remodeling of the upper airway) occurs as a natural result, bringing people back to a healthy state, balance, and esthetics.